It was hot today. We got assembled at Xiaoying square station.
Being no courage to strike up a conversation with a stranger, we communicated about what can we do when we get lost, how to protect ourselves from hot weather and how to participate in the first aid course at local Red Cross.
Observe the structure of a street.
They were shy to record the wedding celebration store and afraid to record the dead clothes store.
Later, we discussed getting married is a vital and beautiful thing in our life, don’t be shy.
Death is an important component of our life. See the famous movie “Bicentennial Man”, the protagonist do everything to get the shape, the expression, the emotion of human, and finally he want to die as human with dignity.
Bought vegetables (They were assigned to cook a dish)
Walked from street to home , shared food at ten, recognized some plants and watched how to plant the rice.
Contest of what we saw in the street
Cooked with Tuzao(an old type cooker)
Enjoy our lunch.
Reading together.
Got an interview with the old couple.
Pick up some apricots as present for Farther’s day.
A joy-filled day!